Further Study: 50-Hour Saturday Sangha
YAP Accredited Training, 50 hours CPD (continuing professional development credits)
This course is designed for those who want to take their teaching, practice and personal development to the next level with the ongoing support of a mentor and group. The course represents 50 hours of continuing professional development, fully accredited by Yoga Alliance Professionals.
Remember how inspired you were to practise and study while on your Yoga Teacher Training course? Getting together regularly in a dedicated, supportive and friendly space with fellow practitioners makes it so much easier to stay firmly in the yoga zone, making practice more accessible and study more interesting and enjoyable.
Deepen Your Practice
Making yoga an integral part of your life is the mark of any good teacher. But keeping up your personal practice can be challenging, especially if you have a demanding teaching schedule. Every Saturday Sangha will open with a full Asana practice. Wherever you are with your practice, you’ll have the opportunity to go deeper on every level, remembering that it’s not just about Asana but exploring all aspects of yoga and integrating them into your life for your health, well-being and happiness. In Asana terms, we will study the practice and teaching of the Full Ashtanga Primary Series, moving on to Second Series where appropriate.
Not Just For Teachers
If you’ve obtained 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training certification for your own personal practice and development rather than to teach, you are very welcome on this course. Maintaining and continuing to develop a personal practice is not always easy on your own. Yoga is about so much more than asana, and although this course will help you advance your physical practice, it will also keep you on track with meditation, pranayama and the ancient ideas that explain why yoga is good for us. Regular study is part of an authentic, personal yoga practice in accordance with the 8 limbs of Yoga outlined in Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Gathering to practise with fellow practitioners makes it happen naturally.
Be Inspired
The Sanskrit word “Sangha” means community, association, company or assembly. In a yogic context, it refers to a group of yoga lovers coming together to participate, study and interact with one another. The idea is that the support, comfort, community and guidance offered by the Sangha enhance the opportunity for each individual within the group to learn, develop and grow. Being in a group with other teachers and practitioners experiencing similar issues with their students and personal practice offers great support and inspiration.
Enhance Your Teaching Skills
The questions that arise while you’re on your Teacher Training course are very different to those that follow. Teaching in a real-life setting can bring all kinds of unexpected challenges. Each time we meet, you will have the opportunity to bring your specific questions relating to whatever is coming up for you in your teaching practice. Teachers sharing their experiences provides great support and You will get all the help you need to deal with whatever issues arise, and you will learn new skills to help address them. . Ongoing, one-to-one mentoring is part of the course, so you will have expert support on hand not just on the Saturday we meet but anytime you need it.
The course will take place from 10 am to 4:30 pm on one Saturday a month from October to March. Dates for October 2023 to March 2024 are as follows:
Cost: €650
Eight places only
A deposit of €150 secures your place, and the balance is due by September 15th. If you would like to pay the balance monthly, you can make 5 monthly payments of €100 to clear the balance by the payment deadline. Otherwise, you can pay the deposit now and settle the balance by September 15th.
The next course will run on Saturdays monthly from October 2024 through to March 2025. Two courses will run concurrently. Dates for each course are below. (Note that as of March 2024 Course One is almost full – bookings after that date will likely be Course Two dates below). To book your place, please pay your deposit here or contact Ríonach at hello@rionachoflynn.com if you have any questions.
Course One
19th October
9th November
7th December
11th January
8th February
8th March
Course Two
26th October
23rd November
14th December
25th January
22nd February
22nd March